Giving Yourself a Slimmer Appearance with a Neck Lift

A neck lift involves removing excess fat and, tightening muscle and smoothing skin on the neck, and as such, helps an individual reduce the signs of aging in the neck, jawline and throat. A neck lift generally helps a person address loose skin in the neck by lifting sagging muscles and putting the skin back into place. As a result, a neck lift patient can restore the youthful curve to the neck and jawline and enjoy a rejuvenated facial appearance.

Ultimately, a neck lift may prove to be an ideal treatment for individuals who are dealing with excess wrinkles in the neck, a double chin or jowl lines. Unlike a traditional facelift, a neck lift focuses on skin in the neck area. Therefore, a neck lift can help a person address a variety of issues that may make the neck appear visibly aged, such as:

• Skin laxity
• Muscle laxity
• Sub-muscular laxity
• Fat deposits and build-up

If a person experiences any of the aforementioned signs of aging, it may be beneficial to schedule a consultation with Dr. Babak Azizzadeh of the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery. Dr. Azizzadeh is a globally renowned facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who has a simple goal: to help individuals achieve harmony with all vectors of the face. To accomplish this goal, Dr. Azizzadeh uses deep plane neck lift techniques to ensure the neck is tight and natural-looking.

Prior to performing a neck lift, Dr. Azizzadeh will have a thorough consultation with the patient. Dr. Azizzadeh will examine an individual’s face and neck and learn about this person’s concerns and anti-aging goals. He will then explore both non-invasive and surgical facial procedures, ensuring a patient understands all available treatment options. Next, he will provide a customized treatment tailored to address specific signs of aging. This way, Dr. Azizzadeh can deliver a personalized neck lift that helps a patient achieve a youthful and harmonious facial appearance.

If a patient determines a neck lift is the best course of action, Dr. Azizzadeh may use one of two neck lift techniques. With a skin-SMAS-platysma lift, Dr. Azizzadeh will lift and tighten the neck and throat skin. Or, with platysmaplasty, Dr. Azizzadeh focuses on tightening the underlying muscles in the neck.

In certain instances, Dr. Azizzadeh may recommend various surgical and non-surgical facial procedures be performed in combination with a neck lift. These procedures include:

• Botox: Dr. Azizzadeh offers Botox injections to help patients temporarily smooth fine lines and wrinkles in the face.
• Dermal Fillers: Dr. Azizzadeh performs dermal filler treatments to help people fill in fine lines and creases. Fillers can also be a great option to reduce the appearance of jowls along the jawline.
• Laser Skin Resurfacing: Dr. Azizzadeh will administer DOT Desk laser skin treatments to help a patient address facial blemishes.
• Ultherapy: Dr. Azizzadeh uses ultrasound technology to help lift and tighten the skin in the face.

Dr. Azizzadeh is happy to educate patients about neck lift surgery and assorted non-invasive and surgical options and help these individuals make informed treatment decisions. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person and virtual consultations to people who are considering a cosmetic procedure. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

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