Teenage Rhinoplasty Testimonial

For as long as I can remember, I have felt self-conscious about my nose. Unfortunately for me, the area I grew up in was blessed with an impeccable gene pool, and in my eyes I was placed there by mistake. I would have fit in much better elsewhere, where normal, non-perfect people lived. Starting in middle school, I found myself to be the subject of countless jokes, and my self-esteem took a nosedive (no pun intended). After my second year in high school, my rapidly decreasing self-confidence became stagnant. I was still uncomfortable and displeased with my appearance, but by this point in my life, people were accustomed to my nose and the jokes died out.

Throughout high school, I continuously made comments about getting a nose job, joking with my mom that as soon as I came of age (for me, this meant 16), I would have the procedure. My parents never agreed, or even responded to my comments for that matter, but as my days left in high school began to dwindle, I started getting nervous thinking about leaving the people who were used to my nose and going to college where I would meet new people and have to worry about their judgments.

Starting my senior year, I began actually researching rhinoplasties. I wanted to find the best surgeon possible and be knowledgeable about the process so that I could confront my parents and show them how important this really was to me. My parents were not fond of the idea of a teenage rhinoplasty, and shot me down several times. They didn’t understand why I couldn’t wait until I was older, and they were very uncomfortable about the whole thing. After a few months, however, my pleading finally worked, and my parents agreed to a rhinoplasty consultation.

All the time I spent researching online directed to me to one clear answer: Dr. Azizzadeh. After finding his website, I began looking at his reviews as well as his Instagram. I was beyond impressed with his work, but I was nervous because I live in the Bay Area and Dr. Azizzadeh works in Beverly Hills. I wasn’t sure if my parents would be willing to travel, especially considering they didn’t even want the procedure done, but I was determined to have the best-of-the-best, so, I called his office.

The office staff was incredibly kind and helpful. Stephanie, the patient coordinator, set up a meeting over Skype so that my parents and I could talk to Dr. Azizzadeh without having to travel to Los Angeles. As soon as we ended the Skype call, I could tell that my parents’ attitude toward surgery had completely changed. Dr. Azizzadeh made them feel so comfortable and reassured, and they no longer had any fear or reservation.

A few weeks later I was in Los Angeles for my college orientation. It was last minute, but Stephanie once again worked her magic and was able to find time for my family and I to meet face-to-face with Dr. Azizzadeh. We discussed my concerns and the resulting changes that would be made to my nose, and at the end of the appointment Dr. Azizzadeh showed me my potential before and after photos using a photo imaging software. My parents and I left the appointment feeling even more excited and confident about the surgery, and my parents scheduled a surgery date for July.

The next few weeks my parents and I began to arrange everything for surgery. My dad worked with Auria, the surgery coordinator, who gave him excellent hotel recommendations, and before I knew it, we were in the car driving to L.A. for a surgery that would change my life.

In the days leading up to surgery, my parents asked me several times if I was nervous. Every time, I confidently answered no, genuinely wondering what I would have to be nervous about. Dr. Azizzadeh’s sincere, caring, and compassionate personality constantly reassured me that I couldn’t be in better hands, and on the morning of my surgery I sprang out of bed at 6 A.M., feeling excited, overjoyed, and most importantly at ease.

My surgery went great! The OR nurses, the anesthesiologist, and Dr. Azizzadeh made me feel relaxed and safe the entire morning leading up to the surgery, and continued to show care and kindness as I woke up post-op.

The days following surgery were no different than the ones leading up to it. Dr. Azizzadeh continued to show incredible patient care as him and his staff frequently checked in on me, texting and calling my parents to make sure I was doing well. My pain and discomfort was minimal, and I never once regretted the decision I made to have a rhinoplasty.

I am now four weeks post-op and I couldn’t be happier with the results! I smile every time I pass a mirror, and my self-confidence has received a much-needed boost. I still haven’t gotten used to the feeling of being in public, taking pictures, and engaging in everyday life without worrying about my nose.

I came home two weeks after my surgery, and my friends greeted me with “oohs” and “awes”, gushing over how much better I looked. Fortunately, however, aside from the people I told, no one else has noticed that I got a nose job. Dr. Azizzadeh spared me from the judgment of those whom I know wouldn’t understand my reasons for getting a rhinoplasty. He greatly improved my nose, but he took a natural approach, allowing me to still look like me, just a better version of myself. I cannot thank him enough for what he did because his work dramatically changed my life, transforming it from one filled with anxiety and stress to one that I am excited and grateful I get to live.

Watch this teenage rhinoplasty patient when she sees her new nose for the first time!


Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person and virtual consultations to people who are considering a cosmetic procedure. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

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