Male Rhinoplasty

Male rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job or nose surgery, is becoming increasingly common around the world. It enables men to reshape the nose, leading to an enhanced facial aesthetic. In addition, rhinoplasty helps men correct structural defects in the nose, including those associated with a deviated septum or breathing issues.

The CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery is proud to offer male rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty treatments in the Beverly Hills area. Dr. Babak Azizzadeh is a Harvard-trained and double board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who has performed many male rhinoplasty procedures over the years. He possesses the skills and experience to help men achieve the best rhinoplasty treatment results.

Male Rhinoplasty: Here's What You Need to Know

With rhinoplasty surgery, men can ensure that their nose complements the cheeks, chin, eyes and other facial features. Nose surgery has been shown to help men improve facial symmetry, resize and/or reshape the nose, minimize the appearance of imperfections on the bridge of the nose, and eliminate a bulbous nasal tip.

Rhinoplasty for men is a complex procedure and should be performed by an expert facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon. That way, men can receive comprehensive support throughout nose surgery and feel confident that they can achieve their desired treatment results.

Dr. Azizzadeh takes an in-depth approach to male rhinoplasty. He will meet with his patient, discuss nose surgery options, and respond to any concerns and questions. As a result, men are well-equipped to make informed decisions about nose surgery after an initial consultation.

How Can a Rhinoplasty Masculinize the Nose?

Male rhinoplasty surgery addresses the unique facial characteristics of men. It is a facial plastic surgery that helps a patient masculinize the nose and improve their facial appearance.

The male nose commonly features a prominent, straight bridge and a nasal tip that projects at a 90-degree angle between the nose and upper lip. Comparatively, the female nose often features a soft bridge and obtuse angle with the upper lip.

Also, in many instances, a man’s nose has a higher bridge and is wider than a woman’s nose. A man’s nose generally has a greater tip projection than a woman’s nose as well.

Male rhinoplasty is customized to a man’s facial features. It ensures that a patient can benefit from an aesthetically pleasing nose that promotes a masculine appearance.

To help a male rhinoplasty patient masculinize the nose, Dr. Azizzadeh performs an in-depth consultation. He then assesses his patient’s nose and learns about his nose surgery goals. Next, he develops a nose job treatment plan tailored to his patient’s needs.

Nose Job Men Before and After Photos

Check out nose surgery men before and after photos to see how Dr. Azizzadeh has helped past patients reap the benefits of male rhinoplasty procedures.

How Does Male Rhinoplasty Differ from Rhinoplasty for Women?

Although male and female rhinoplasty procedures are similar, the aesthetic goals associated with these nose surgeries differ. Men frequently undergo rhinoplasty surgery to straighten the nasal bridge and increase the width to the middle of the nose. Comparatively, women often undergo nose job surgery to address a nose that is too wide or a nose that gives the appearance of a droopy tip.

Dr. Azizzadeh performs both male and female rhinoplasty procedures. He customizes a nose surgery to his patient and ensures that a rhinoplasty helps his patient achieve a balanced and natural-looking facial appearance.

Benefits of Male Rhinoplasty

The benefits of nose surgery for men include:

  • Improved Nose Symmetry: A patient can achieve a natural-looking nose that matches other facial features.
  • Repair of Structural Defects in the Nose: In many instances, a male nose job addresses structural defects in the nose.
  • Increased Self-Confidence: Male nose surgery can improve a patient’s facial appearance, leading to increased self-confidence.

Although rhinoplasty for men can deliver long-lasting benefits, it is important to note a patient can require several months before the full results of their treatment become visible.

Dr. Azizzadeh offers details about what patients should expect from a male rhinoplasty treatment. He will help his patient plan for nose surgery and establish realistic treatment goals.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Male Nose Surgery?

Male rhinoplasty represents a major cosmetic surgery, and the decision to undergo a nose job should not be taken lightly. Fortunately, Dr. Azizzadeh will perform a patient assessment to determine if his patient is a good candidate for nose surgery.

During a consultation, Dr. Azizzadeh will examine his patient’s facial features. Dr. Azizzadeh may deem a patient to be a good candidate for male nose surgery if he displays any of the following facial characteristics:

  • A bridge that is too high or too low
  • Short, upturned nose tip
  • Bulbous nose tip
  • Dorsal hump (hump on nose)
  • Wide or flaring nostrils
  • A nose that is too wide or too narrow
  • Droopy nose
  • Crooked nose

Dr. Azizzadeh dedicates the necessary time and resources to explain how male nose surgery is performed. By doing so, he teaches his patient about all aspects of treatment.

Male Nose Job Recovery

Rhinoplasty surgery can be a difficult time for a patient. After nose surgery, men may need to take time off from work, school, or other everyday activities to focus on what’s most important: recovering from surgery.

In the initial days after a nose job, men can experience congestion due to swelling inside their nose. Swelling and bruising around the nose can also occur. Meanwhile, these symptoms generally disappear on their own within a few days of treatment.

Dr. Azizzadeh requests several appointments with male rhinoplasty surgery patients in the first seven to 10 days after surgery. These appointments enable Dr. Azizzadeh to monitor his patient’s recovery. In addition, patients are urged to avoid strenuous physical activity for the first few weeks after male nose surgery.

Following nose job follow-up appointments in the first few weeks after surgery, Dr. Azizzadeh requests patients meet with him approximately every three months for the first year after surgery. Since Dr. Azizzadeh wants his patients to achieve the perfect nose shape, men can meet with him at regular intervals to ensure that their recovery stays on course.

It can take a patient up to two years before he sees the full results of male rhinoplasty surgery. Once the full results of treatment become transparent, they remain intact for years after treatment. However, a patient’s facial appearance can change over time due to the natural aging process, which can impact the long-term results of surgery.

Tips to Streamline Male Nose Surgery Recovery

The male nose surgery recovery process can seem long and arduous. But, there are several things that men can do to manage their recovery and avoid surgery complications.

Here are some of the recommendations that Dr. Azizzadeh offers to male nose surgery patients to help them streamline their recovery:

  • Follow Postoperative Care Instructions. Dr. Azizzadeh provides detailed instructions to help patients recover from male nose surgery. These instructions should be followed closely. If a patient has questions about postoperative care instructions, contact Dr. Azizzadeh.
  • Keep the Head Elevated at Night. Patients should avoid sleeping on their side for about six weeks after rhinoplasty surgery. During this time, keep the head elevated as much as possible while sleeping. To do so, it helps to use two to three pillows when sleeping.
  • Use Cold Compresses. Apply cold compresses to the cheeks and other areas around the nose to reduce swelling in the first few days after surgery. Be cautious when using cold compresses around the nose; applying a cold compress directly to the nose can cause cartilage or bones to shift.
  • Get Sufficient Rest. Male nose surgery can be a daunting experience. It helps to take time off from work, school, and other normal activities to rest and recover after surgery.
  • Enjoy a Healthy Diet. Eat fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich foods. This can give a patient the nutrients he needs to speed up the healing process.

Dr. Azizzadeh encourages his patients to get in touch with him at any point during the recovery process if they have concerns or questions. He wants to help his patients in any way possible. As such, Dr. Azizzadeh can respond to any rhinoplasty recovery concerns or questions.

How to Choose the Right Male Rhinoplasty Surgeon

There is no shortage of facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons available, but none can match the male rhinoplasty expertise of Dr. Azizzadeh. To date, Dr. Azizzadeh has performed thousands of successful rhinoplasty for men procedures. He takes a holistic approach to male nose surgery and works with his patients to help them achieve the best-possible results.

Dr. Azizzadeh understands the male nose and wants a rhinoplasty patient to enjoy a nose that complements his facial features. To accomplish this goal, Dr. Azizzadeh performs an extensive patient evaluation. He then collaborates with a patient to craft a safe and effective male rhinoplasty treatment plan.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports rhinoplasty ranked first among cosmetic surgeries for men in 2020. ASPS also notes that more than 65,000 male nose surgeries were performed during this time.

A primary rhinoplasty is designed to reshape or resize the nose, resulting in an improved facial appearance. Rhinoplasty for men is a primary nose job specifically for the male nose. It accounts for the distinct features of the male nose, including its high bridge and extended tip.

Dr. Azizzadeh possesses advanced rhinoplasty knowledge and expertise. He tailors a male nose surgery to a man’s nose and facial features. With this approach, Dr. Azizzadeh helps men achieve a natural-looking nose that perfectly complements their facial features.

A rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, and it is usually completed under general anesthesia. Dr. Azizzadeh tailors each procedure to his patient, and as such, rhinoplasty surgery techniques vary.

Dr. Azizzadeh typically uses an open or closed rhinoplasty surgical approach. With an open surgery, Dr. Azizzadeh can precisely modify the nasal tip and middle portion of the nose as needed. Meanwhile, with a closed surgery, Dr. Azizzadeh makes alterations inside of a patient’s nose. Closed surgery is generally used for men who need “bridge” alterations.

For men who want to revitalize their facial appearance, they may consider rhinoplasty surgery, as well as other facial rejuvenation treatments.

Dr. Azizzadeh performs a facial evaluation to analyze a patient’s appearance, medical history and treatment goals. In some instances, he recommends a male nose surgery. Or, in other cases, he may recommend rhinoplasty be performed with an eyelid liftneck lift, or other male facial surgeries.

Male rhinoplasty helps patients bring their facial features into perfect harmony. The procedure commonly helps men improve their profile view and facial appearance. It also enables men to enjoy a nose that is proportional to the cheeks, eyes, and other facial features.

Dr. Azizzadeh understands men’s noses tend to be wider and higher at the bridge than women’s noses. Additionally, he recognizes that the bone and cartilage of the nose tends to be thicker and denser in men. Dr. Azizzadeh uses a holistic approach to reshape and size a man’s nose. By doing so, he performs male nose surgery procedures that deliver safe, effective and natural-looking results.

Male nose surgery performed by an expert facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon like Dr. Azizzadeh often delivers natural-looking results. As such, a patient’s nose will complement his chin, eyes, and other facial features. This also means it will be virtually impossible for others to know that this individual has received a nose job based on his facial appearance.

Like primary rhinoplasty surgery, male nose surgery is a specialized procedure, and it must be performed by an expert facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon. For those who are considering male rhinoplasty surgery, it often helps to search for a surgeon with comprehensive male nose job experience. Also, it is generally a good idea to meet with a surgeon before a rhinoplasty procedure. This allows a patient to ask questions and address their treatment concerns.

Dr. Azizzadeh won’t disqualify a patient from male rhinoplasty surgery based on age. Instead, Dr. Azizzadeh conducts a thorough evaluation in which he reviews a patient’s medical history, facial features, and other factors. If Dr. Azizzadeh believes a male rhinoplasty can help a patient safely achieve a nose that functions properly and complements his facial features, he recommends the treatment, as long as the patient’s nose is fully developed.

The nose must be fully developed before an individual can receive male nose surgery. For men, a nose surgery can be completed as early as age 16 or 17.

Dr. Azizzadeh is happy to meet with a male rhinoplasty patient and determine if now is the ideal time to perform nose surgery. He analyzes a patient’s nose and other facial features and conducts an in-depth evaluation. If Dr. Azizzadeh determines a patient is a good candidate for a male nose surgery, he will craft a custom nose job treatment program.

Dr. Azizzadeh strives to ensure male rhinoplasty helps a man achieve a nose that looks and performs great. At the same time, he wants to ensure the procedure enables a patient to maintain the masculinity of the nose.

Rhinoplasty for men can help a patient achieve a nose that is both aesthetically pleasing and functions properly. In some instances, a male nose job may be used to straighten the nose or lift the nasal tip. Or, in other cases, a male nose surgery may be performed to reduce the dorsal hump.

Male nose surgery may be used to treat one or more of the following cosmetic issues:

  • Nose that is droopy or crooked
  • Flaring nostrils
  • Nostrils that are too wide
  • Upturned nasal tip
  • Nasal bridge that is too high or too low
  • Dorsal hump
  • Bulbous nasal tip
  • Wide or narrow nose

There are risks of complications associated with male nose surgery. Common male rhinoplasty risks include:

  • Ongoing nosebleeds
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Numbness in or around the nose
  • Swelling
  • Scarring
  • Hole in the nasal septum

Dr. Azizzadeh teaches patients about all aspects of a male rhinoplasty procedure prior to treatment. He responds to patients’ concerns and questions and ensures they understand exactly what to expect before, during, and after a rhinoplasty.

Dr. Azizzadeh evaluates a patient before a male nose surgery. He sometimes requests a patient stop taking certain medications in the weeks leading up to surgery. Dr. Azizzadeh also provides instructions to help a patient prepare for the day of surgery.

Dr. Azizzadeh provides male rhinoplasty post-surgical guidelines, and these can include:

  • Cleaning surgical incisions with hydrogen peroxide at least once a day
  • Using antibiotic salves on surgical incisions and inside the nostrils twice a daily
  • Applying a cold compress over the eyes and cheeks for the first three days after surgery; next, a warm compress should be applied on areas where persistent bruising occurs after the initial three days
  • Keeping the head elevated while relaxing, resting, or sleeping for at least one week after surgery
  • Avoiding strenuous activities and exercise for at least three weeks after surgery

The male nose surgery recovery period varies. A patient can experience congestion, headaches, swelling, and other physical symptoms for up to 72 hours after surgery. These problems usually disappear on their own within a few days.

Nose bandages and a nose cast can be removed one week after male nose surgery. And, a nose surgery patient can resume everyday activities at this time.

Dr. Azizzadeh typically recommends a rhinoplasty patient avoid strenuous activities for up to six weeks after surgery. He requests patients receive medical clearance before resuming an exercise or workout regimen, too.

Patients should expect to see the full results of a male nose surgery within two years of treatment. Dr. Azizzadeh also performs regular check-ups to monitor a male nose surgery patient throughout the recovery period.

Male nose surgery results are long-lasting. However, a man’s facial appearance changes naturally due to the aging process, which can impact the long-term results of rhinoplasty surgery. If a man maintains a healthy lifestyle, he may be better equipped than others to enjoy long-term rhinoplasty surgery results.

The cost of male nose surgery varies based on the surgeon performing the procedure and other factors. Dr. Azizzadeh explains all costs associated with a male nose job before treatment.

If a rhinoplasty for men is performed for cosmetic reasons, it is unlikely to be covered by insurance. In this instance, a patient may need to pay the full cost of the procedure out of pocket. If a rhinoplasty surgery is performed to address a functional defect of the nose, an insurance provider may cover some of the costs of the procedure.

It often helps to contact an insurance provider prior to undergoing a rhinoplasty for men. This allows a male nose surgery patient to learn about his coverage and examine the full cost of surgery.

Male nose surgery is a unique procedure, and it must be tailored to a patient’s nose. By choosing Dr. Azizzadeh for rhinoplasty surgery, a man can receive treatment guidance and support from a globally recognized facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

Along with customizing a male rhinoplasty to his patient, Dr. Azizzadeh works closely with this individual at all stages of treatment. Dr. Azizzadeh wants his patient to feel comfortable with a male nose job, so he explains how rhinoplasty surgery is performed and answers his patient’s questions. Furthermore, Dr. Azizzadeh carefully performs male nose surgery to limit risk. Dr. Azizzadeh also monitors his patient’s progress in the days, weeks, and months after treatment, ensuring that his patient achieves his desired results.

Schedule a Male Rhinoplasty Treatment Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

For men who feel their nose hampers their facial appearance, help is available. Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person consultations in Beverly Hill or virtual consultations via Zoom to discuss male nose surgery. He can evaluate a patient and determine if he qualifies for a male nose job or other cosmetic treatments.

To learn more or schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh, contact us online or call us today at 310-657-2203.

Rhinoplasty For Men
  Rhinoplasty has always been the most popular surgical procedure among men making up almost a quarter of ...
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Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person and virtual consultations to people who are considering a cosmetic procedure. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

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