How to Tell Your Parents You Want a Nose Job

Getting a nose job requires extensive planning. And, for teenagers, it requires communication and collaboration with their parents.

Dr. Babak Azizzadeh of the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery is world-renowned for his facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and head and neck surgery expertise. He has performed dozens of nose job surgeries to date, including many teen rhinoplasty procedures.

Regardless of a nose job patient’s age, Dr. Azizzadeh wants this individual to make an informed decision regarding treatment. For teens considering rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Azizzadeh encourages them to engage with their parents throughout the treatment process.

Dr. Azizzadeh also offers in-person consultations in Beverly Hills or virtual consultations via Zoom to educate teens and their parents about nose jobs. During a consultation, Dr. Azizzadeh can explain the rhinoplasty surgery process to a teen and their parents. He can also determine if a nose job can be used to improve a teen’s facial appearance.

Everything You Need to Know About How to Tell Your Parents You Want to Nose Job

Many teenagers think about getting a nose job — and for good reason. A teen rhinoplasty can enhance facial symmetry and revitalize the facial appearance. It can also fix structural defects of the nose. Rhinoplasty surgery can even boost a teen’s self-confidence.

Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed before the age of 18. However, teens need a parent to sign a rhinoplasty consent form to undergo a nose job if they are under the age of 18.

Of course, teens want to respect their parents’ opinion and keep them informed about their decisions as well. To do so, they can include their parents in their decision-making regarding rhinoplasty surgery.

Discussing rhinoplasty surgery with a parent can be difficult. A teen will want to state their case for getting a nose job carefully. At the same time, he or she does not want to feel dismissed (“You don’t need surgery”) or get criticized (“You’re too young to be making this decision”).

Tips for How to Tell Your Parents You Want a Nose Job

A teen should plan for their conversation about rhinoplasty with their parents. Here are some suggestions to keep in mind during the planning process.

Before the Big Talk

Do your research on rhinoplasty

Have facts on hand regarding this surgical procedure, including how to prepare for it and the healing time and postoperative care associated with it. Parental consent is required for all cosmetic surgery procedures that are performed on children younger than 18, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Therefore, a teen under the age of 18 will need to ask their parents to complete a rhinoplasty consent form before he or she can receive a nose job.

Find a qualified doctor

Look for a board-certified facial plastic surgeon with experience in performing rhinoplasties, especially on teens and young adults. It can be beneficial to schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with a surgeon who can provide information about nose surgery options and conduct an assessment. This surgeon will also want to meet with a teen and their parents to be assured this patient is emotionally equipped to handle a rhinoplasty.

Write down what you want to say

When it comes time to sit down with your parents, a teen can start to feel nervous, especially if he or she anticipates that they may have an issue with their decision to get a nose job. A teen should write down important points that he or she wants to discuss with their parents. This can help a teen stay calm and focused if the discussion becomes heated or emotional.

During the Discussion

Tell your parents why you want a nose job

A teen should explain why he or she feels now is a good time to undergo a nose surgery. If a teen wants a cosmetic procedure (rather than one to treat a medical condition), he or she should be honest with their parents and tell them why. Or, if a teen has been dealing with feelings of low self-esteem or been bullied because of their nose, he or she can discuss how a rhinoplasty can improve their quality of life.

Ultimately, a teen should express how a rhinoplasty is important to him or her. Meanwhile, a teen can show their parents that he or she has realistic expectations for the procedure — a natural-looking nose that complements their cheeks, chin, and other facial features.

Tell them that you understand what a rhinoplasty entails

This is where rhinoplasty research comes in handy. A teen’s parents may not understand all of the aspects of a nose job. At this time, a teen can share this information with their parents. Giving parents this information can help them get a better grasp on what a nose job will be like — and by doing their homework on the subject, it shows that a teen has considered the short- and long-term ramifications of the procedure.

Invite them to go to the doctor with you

This is mandatory for teens under the age of 18. But, for teens 18 and older who want to give their parents more clarity on the procedure, meeting with a facial plastic surgeon is ideal.

A facial plastic surgeon can answer questions about nose surgery and alleviate any concerns regarding treatment. He or she can help parents feel involved in the rhinoplasty surgery process. And, parents will be well-equipped to care for their teen if he or she plans to recover at their home after surgery.

Be prepared to listen to their concerns

Parents may have reservations about their teen’s decision to undergo nose surgery. Often, these reservations are coming from a place of love and wanting to protect their teens.

Remember, parents want what’s best for their teen. A facial plastic surgeon can provide the knowledge and reassurance that parents need to verify that their teen will receive the best-possible care.

Teen Rhinoplasty FAQs

I’m a teenager, and I want to get a nose job. Can a teenager get a nose job?

A teenager may qualify for a nose job. To determine if a teen is eligible for nose surgery, Dr. Azizzadeh requests a patient consultation. At this point, he analyzes a teen’s facial features and medical history and learns about their nose surgery goals. If Dr. Azizzadeh determines a teen qualifies for rhinoplasty surgery, he then develops a personalized treatment plan. Dr. Azizzadeh also discusses this treatment plan with a teen and their parents.

What is the youngest age you can get a nose job?

Teenage girls may qualify for a nose job as early as 15 or 16 years old, while teen boys may be eligible for nose surgery as early as 16 or 17 years old. Rhinoplasty for teens should only be performed after a patient has stopped growing. If a teen’s nasal anatomy has not yet fully developed, he or she is ineligible for surgery.

How long does a nose job last?

A nose job is intended to last a lifetime, but several factors impact the long-term results of surgery. For example, if too much tissue is removed during a nose surgery, a patient may ultimately experience nasal drooping or collapse. In addition, as a person ages, the nose and other facial features can change accordingly.

By working with Dr. Azizzadeh, a teen can achieve the optimal nose surgery treatment results. Dr. Azizzadeh develops a custom treatment strategy for each rhinoplasty patient, and his holistic approach to nose surgery differentiates him from other facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons. Also, Dr. Azizzadeh collaborates with a patient throughout the nose surgery process. If a patient has nose surgery concerns or questions, Dr. Azizzadeh is ready to respond to them right away.

Is nose surgery painful?

Nose surgery patients will receive anesthesia prior to their procedure; this helps a patient minimize pain and discomfort immediately after treatment. However, patients sometimes experience fatigue from anesthesia in the first few days after treatment. They can also experience bruising and swelling around the nose at this time.

Dr. Azizzadeh takes precautions to limit pain during surgery. He provides instructions to help patients combat pain and other side effects after treatment. Plus, Dr. Azizzadeh offers insights into what to expect following nose surgery, so his patient can take the necessary steps to limit pain and speed up their recovery.

What are the side effects of rhinoplasty?

Common rhinoplasty surgery side effects include:

    • Bruising
    • Swelling
    • Fatigue
    • Nausea
    • Scarring
    • Sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal cavity)
    • Numbness
    • Temporary loss of smell

Nose surgery side effects may persist for a few days after treatment. They also tend to disappear on their own.

How long does nose surgery take?

On average, rhinoplasty surgery requires about two to four hours to complete, but the length of time required to perform nose surgery sometimes varies based on the complexity of the procedure. For instance, Dr. Azizzadeh may require extra time to treat a patient who requires extensive changes to the nose.

Dr. Azizzadeh offers details about how long he may require to complete a nose surgery prior to treatment. He also explains if he will perform an open or closed rhinoplasty.

An open nose surgery requires Dr. Azizzadeh to cut on the outside of the nose. It can require more time to complete in comparison to a closed nose job.

How do you talk to your parents when they are mad at you about wanting to get a nose job?

Honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to teen rhinoplasty. A teen who explains why he or she wants nose surgery may be able to open up a dialogue with their parents. Then, the teen and their parents can work together to determine the best course of action.

How can I communicate better with my parents about teen nose job surgery?

Dr. Azizzadeh can help parents and a teen bridge their communication gap. During a patient consultation, Dr. Azizzadeh meets with a teen and their parents and ensures all parties understand the immediate and long-lasting ramifications of nose surgery. That way, a teen and their parents can address their nose surgery concerns and questions.

Furthermore, Dr. Azizzadeh provides educational materials to teach teens and their parents about nose surgery. He offers nose job before and after photos to show teens and their parents how patients have benefited from surgery. Dr. Azizzadeh also explains rhinoplasty surgery in easy-to-understand terms. He ensures that a teen and their parents have a clear understanding of the treatment and can prepare accordingly.

How do you talk to your teenager so he or she will listen to your concerns about nose surgery?

As a teen considers whether to get a nose job, their parents may want to know what prompted their child to consider this surgery in the first place. For parents, it is paramount to listen to their teen. Parents can then discuss their concerns with their teen’s request to undergo nose surgery. And together, parents and a teen can speak honestly and openly with one another about rhinoplasty surgery.

Consider a teen’s perspective in any discussion about rhinoplasty surgery, too. Teens face constant pressure to look their best, and parents can provide plenty of support. By listening to what a teen has to say about nose surgery, parents can show their support. They can provide a teen with insights that their child previously did not consider. Best of all, parents can work with their teen to help him or her make a decision that delivers the optimal results.

Schedule a Teen Rhinoplasty Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh is available to discuss teen rhinoplasty with a child and their parents. To find out more about teen rhinoplasty surgery or schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh, contact us online or call us at 310-620-3755.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person and virtual consultations to people who are considering a cosmetic procedure. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

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