What to Expect During Revision Rhinoplasty Recovery

A revision rhinoplasty is a complex facial plastic surgery procedure. It involves reshaping a patient’s nose to enhance their cosmetic appearance after a prior rhinoplasty failed to deliver the desired results. This procedure can also be completed to improve a patient’s nasal function if it was damaged during a prior nose job.

For patients who are considering a revision rhinoplasty, choosing a double board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon like Dr. Babak Azizzadeh is essential. Dr. Azizzadeh is an experienced and highly trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who strives to provide his patients with the best-possible revision nose job results. He also explains revision rhinoplasty recovery in detail before he administers treatment.

Revision Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline

Like a traditional nose job, the recovery timeline for a revision nose surgery varies. It typically takes at least one year before a patient can see the full results of a revision nose surgery. However, there can be instances when the complete results of treatment take up to two years before they become visible.

Dr. Azizzadeh can provide an estimated revision rhinoplasty recovery timeline. Before Dr. Azizzadeh performs a revision nose job, he meets with a patient to determine their eligibility for treatment. If Dr. Azizzadeh finds a patient is a good candidate for a revision procedure, he prepares a treatment plan. Dr. Azizzadeh then discusses the surgery with his patient and explains the recovery process.

A revision nose job patient receives instructions to prepare for a revision nose surgery in the days, weeks, and months following treatment. For instance, Dr. Azizzadeh recommends that a revision nose job patient keep their head elevated as much as possible in the days after surgery. This can help alleviate post-surgery pain and swelling.

The revision nose job recovery process can be difficult. Fortunately, Dr. Azizzadeh remains accessible during this time. He requests follow-up appointments with revision nose job patients and encourages them to come forward with any concerns or questions.

As revision rhinoplasty recovery progresses, a patient’s facial appearance should gradually improve. If a revision nose job is successful, the patient’s nose will appear proportional to the eyes, cheeks, and other facial features.

Revision Rhinoplasty FAQs

Many patients have questions about revision nose jobs — and for good reason. Dr. Azizzadeh answers some of the most common questions surrounding revision nose surgery and the recovery process associated with it.

How long does it take to complete a revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure that commonly takes between 1.5 and 4 hours to complete. However, Dr. Azizzadeh may require additional time to perform the procedure based on the surgery’s complexity.

Can I return home the same day as my revision rhinoplasty procedure?

In most cases, a patient can return home the same day that their surgery is performed. This patient will need a friend or family member to drive him or her to and from the surgery center. It is also important to have someone to stay with the patient for the first 24 hours following surgery.

What happens after a revision rhinoplasty?

The recovery period typically lasts one to two weeks, and a patient will need to stay home from work for seven to 10 days following surgery. A splint can be placed on a patient’s nose after the procedure, and this splint will be removed approximately one week later. The majority of revision rhinoplasty patients do not require nasal packing.

Patients can expect to experience swelling, pressure and pain/discomfort in the first few days after surgery. Dr. Azizzadeh will prescribe his patients an oral pain medication to help manage postoperative pain.

Breathing through the nose sometimes can be difficult for revision rhinoplasty patients in the first couple of days following surgery. The patient should be able to breathe very clearly within two weeks of the surgery.

A patient should be able to return to light activities within 48 hours of treatment, such as walking around the house. He or she should try to avoid any activities that can cause the nose to bleed, such as bending over, heavy lifting, and/or blowing the nose for approximately three weeks. Furthermore, medications such as Advil and Motrin should not be used for two weeks following the surgery, as they may interfere with a patient’s recovery.

Swelling and bruising are common after the procedure, but these symptoms usually disappear within a few days of treatment. Revision rhinoplasty patients must keep their head elevated while resting, relaxing, or sleeping for at least one to two weeks following surgery to minimize bruising or swelling.

Meanwhile, patients typically require at least 10 to 14 days for revision rhinoplasty recovery. These patients may also be eligible to return to work or school approximately one week following surgery.

Dr. Azizzadeh teaches patients about what to expect in the days after surgery. He offers a personalized post-surgery treatment plan to each patient. Plus, Dr. Azizzadeh keeps in contact with a patient after surgery to ensure that their revision rhinoplasty recovery is successful.

Many of Dr. Azizzadeh’s patients choose to recover at Pearl Recovery Retreat & Wellness in Beverly Hills in the days following nose surgery. Pearl is a luxurious aftercare facility where patients have a dedicated team of nurses looking after them 24/7.

Is it possible to avoid revision rhinoplasty swelling?

Swelling cannot always be avoided in the days after a revision nose job. But, Dr. Azizzadeh can prescribe pain medication to help patients manage pain during the revision rhinoplasty recovery period. Dr. Azizzadeh also encourages his patients to get in touch if they experience severe swelling or other serious complications after a revision nose surgery.

Is a revision rhinoplasty more expensive than a primary rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty can require more effort to complete than a primary nose job procedure. As such, a revision nose job generally takes longer to perform than a primary nose surgery. It also tends to be more expensive than a traditional nose surgery.

The cost of surgery varies based on the location of a surgical practice, the surgeon performing the procedure, and other factors. Prior to performing a procedure, Dr. Azizzadeh discusses the cost of treatment with a patient. He can also educate his patient about revision nose job financing options.

Is revision rhinoplasty surgery common?

Revision rhinoplasty is a relatively common procedure. Some experts estimate that approximately 15% of all rhinoplasty procedures require a revision. Additionally, there are many reasons why a person can undergo a revision rhinoplasty, and these include:

    • Sinus problems
    • Birth defects
    • Nasal collapse and/or deformity
    • Sleep apnea and/or snoring
    • Deviated septum
    • Drooping nasal tip
    • Crooked nose
    • Dorsal hump on the nasal bridge

For those who are considering revision rhinoplasty, consult with Dr. Azizzadeh. During a consultation, Dr. Azizzadeh learns about his patient and finds out why this individual is considering a second nose surgery. Dr. Azizzadeh then helps his patient determine if he or she is a good candidate for surgery.

Does a revision rhinoplasty hurt more than a primary rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty patients often report that a second nose job is less painful than a primary nose surgery. Furthermore, revision surgery sometimes has a shorter recovery period and results in less post-treatment bruising and swelling in comparison to a primary nose job. In certain instances, Dr. Azizzadeh can prescribe an oral medication to help his patient manage their postoperative pain, too.

How often is a revision rhinoplasty needed?

Ideally, an initial rhinoplasty procedure delivers a patient’s desired results. If a patient is not satisfied with their nose surgery results, however, revision rhinoplasty may be necessary.

Dr. Azizzadeh recommends rhinoplasty patients wait at least one year after their initial treatment before they consider a revision nose surgery procedure. This enables a patient’s nose to fully heal following their initial surgery. If a patient is not satisfied with their nose surgery results one year after treatment, he or she can pursue a revision procedure.

Does revision rhinoplasty surgery work?

The success of a revision nose surgery often depends on the surgeon performing the procedure. If a patient has the right surgeon at their disposal, he or she may be better equipped than ever before to achieve the optimal results of treatment.

Dr. Azizzadeh is a world-renowned facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who possesses a deep understanding of the nose and its associated structures. He has performed both primary and revision rhinoplasty procedures and takes a holistic approach to each type of nose surgery. By doing so, Dr. Azizzadeh can help a patient reshape the nose and achieve a balanced and natural-looking facial appearance.

Does a revision nose job take longer to heal than a primary rhinoplasty?

It often takes at least one year for a revision rhinoplasty patient to fully heal after surgery. In some instances, revision rhinoplasty recovery can extend beyond one year before all swelling dissipates. Comparatively, it generally takes about one to two years for a patient to recover from a primary nose job procedure.

Each patient is different, and some rhinoplasty patients heal faster than others. Ultimately, it is important for a patient to schedule regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Azizzadeh. These appointments enable Dr. Azizzadeh to analyze his patient’s nose and ensure that their recovery stays on schedule. If Dr. Azizzadeh identifies any potential problems during the recovery period, he can work with a patient to address such issues.

Is a revision rhinoplasty worthwhile?

For patients who want to reshape their nose and revitalize their facial appearance following an initial nose surgery, a revision rhinoplasty is ideal. By consulting with Dr. Azizzadeh, a patient can learn about the benefits of this procedure. Also, a patient can use a consultation to determine if a revision nose job is the right facial rejuvenation treatment based on their personal needs.

Schedule a Revision Rhinoplasty Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh is available to discuss revision nose surgery and other facial rejuvenation treatment options. To learn more about revision rhinoplasty surgery, please contact us at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person and virtual consultations to people who are considering a cosmetic procedure. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

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