How Rhinoplasty Can Increase Your Breathing Ability

A primary rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is often used to reshape the nose. Yet, in some cases, rhinoplasty surgery is performed to correct structural defects of the nose that otherwise hamper an individual’s ability to breathe.

Is Rhinoplasty a “Functional” Procedure?

Nose surgery can be used as a “cosmetic” procedure and a “functional” procedure, due to the fact that the nose’s form and function are closely related. For example, if the nose appears too big or too small relative to the cheeks, chin, and other facial features, it can cause an asymmetrical facial appearance. Comparatively, if a person experiences a nasal obstruction, it can become exceedingly difficult to breathe through the nose. But in either of these instances, rhinoplasty surgery allows a person to reshape the nose and address functional issues of the nose at the same time.

A nose job can be performed to correct cosmetic issues like a bulbous nose tip, wide or flaring nostrils, or an upturned nose. In addition, nose surgery can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions that can make it difficult for a person to breathe through the nose, such as:

  1. Deviated Septum

The septum refers to the cartilage that separates the right and left sides of the nose. Typically, the septum has a slight bend; but when a person’s septum becomes deviated, one nasal passage becomes larger than the other.

If an individual experiences a deviated septum, it is crucial to meet with Dr. Babak Azizzadeh, a globally recognized facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Dr. Azizzadeh is dual board-certified in head and neck surgery and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and he sometimes recommends a rhinoplasty or septoplasty procedure to treat a deviated septum.

Whereas rhinoplasty surgery involves resizing or reshaping the nose, a septoplasty requires straightening and repositioning of the nose. During a septoplasty surgery, cutting and removing parts of the nasal septum is sometimes required before they are reinserted into the proper position.

To determine if a patient qualifies for rhinoplasty or septoplasty surgery, Dr. Azizzadeh conducts a full evaluation. He then offers a personalized rhinoplasty or septoplasty treatment plan, so a patient can receive the right procedure to improve breathing through the nose.

  1. Swollen Turbinates

Turbinates are shell-shaped bones, tissue, and vessels in the nasal passageways. They filter, humidify, and warm the air that a person breathes but can sometimes swell due to allergies or their position in the nose. If an individual experiences chronic swelling of the turbinates, surgery can be used to address this issue.

A patient dealing with swollen turbinates can undergo turbinate surgery to reduce the size of the turbinates. The procedure can also be performed in combination with rhinoplasty surgery to ensure a patient can enhance breathing through the nose and achieve a balanced, natural-looking facial appearance.

In the event that a patient requires turbinate surgery and a nose job, Dr. Azizzadeh meets with this individual to discuss both procedures. Dr. Azizzadeh only recommends a surgical procedure if he believes it can be completed safely and help a patient accomplish the desired results. Thus, if Dr. Azizzadeh plans to perform turbinate surgery and a rhinoplasty simultaneously, he allocates significant time and resources to prepare a patient accordingly. This allows a patient to prepare for all aspects of both surgeries and establish realistic treatment expectations.

  1. Collapse or Narrowing of the Middle Vault

If the middle vault of the nose falls inward during deep inhalation, an individual could be dealing with middle vault narrowing or collapse. In this instance, various treatment options can be explored to correct the problem.

Generally, adhesive strips can be worn on the nose to help keep the nasal passages open. Adhesive strips limit the risk of collapse or narrowing of the middle vault when an individual takes a deep breath through the nose.

On the other hand, rhinoplasty surgery has been shown to prevent middle vault collapse. In a study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of 50 rhinoplasty patients, researchers found that 82 percent of patients were breathing “very well” approximately 6.5 years after surgery, and only 5 percent of patients reported respiratory problems. They also concluded that the combination of working with a surgeon who uses proper surgical techniques and has a good understanding of nasal physiology can help lower the risk of middle vault collapse following rhinoplasty surgery.

Do You Need Rhinoplasty Surgery to Improve Your Breathing?

Rhinoplasty surgery is often beneficial for patients, including those who are dealing with nasal defects that negatively impact their ability to breathe through the nose. But it is important to note that rhinoplasty surgery is not right for every individual.

For example, a child’s facial growth is incomplete, and kids sometimes do not qualify for rhinoplasty surgery. Or, if an individual smokes or is dealing with certain medical conditions, the potential risks associated with a nose job can outweigh the potential rewards of treatment.

Before a rhinoplasty surgery is performed, Dr. Azizzadeh requests a patient consultation. At this time, Dr. Azizzadeh learns about a patient and reviews this individual’s medical history. Dr. Azizzadeh also evaluates a patient’s facial appearance and finds out why this individual is considering rhinoplasty surgery.

If Dr. Azizzadeh discovers a patient is a good candidate for a rhinoplasty, he crafts a personalized treatment plan for this individual. In instances where rhinoplasty surgery is deemed too risky for a patient, Dr. Azizzadeh offers alternative treatment options.

Regardless of whether a patient is a candidate for rhinoplasty surgery or other facial plastic surgeries, Dr. Azizzadeh wants this individual to achieve long-lasting treatment results. Dr. Azizzadeh will not recommend a rhinoplasty or any other surgery if he believes the procedure puts a patient’s health in danger. Instead, Dr. Azizzadeh works diligently to safely and effectively address cosmetic and breathing problems of the nose. As a result, Dr. Azizzadeh can help a patient achieve a functional nose that complements other facial features.

Can You Breathe After Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Initially, breathing through the nose can be difficult after rhinoplasty surgery. The nose can be stuffy following a nose job, and patients often experience swelling and bruising of the nose during this period. These symptoms are only temporary, and they often disappear on their own within a few weeks of nose surgery.

Dr. Azizzadeh offers comprehensive instructions to help his patients prepare for rhinoplasty surgery treatment and recovery. He helps a patient get ready for the day of nose surgery and ensure this individual knows what to expect during a rhinoplasty procedure. After a rhinoplasty is performed, Dr. Azizzadeh provides recommendations to help his patient minimize post-surgery pain.

As a patient’s recovery from a rhinoplasty progresses, Dr. Azizzadeh requests follow-up appointments at regular intervals. Follow-up appointments allow Dr. Azizzadeh to analyze a patient’s facial appearance and ensure rhinoplasty surgery recovery stays on track. The appointments also enable a patient to ask questions and address any post-rhinoplasty surgery concerns with Dr. Azizzadeh.

Of course, if a patient has concerns or questions at any point during rhinoplasty recovery, Dr. Azizzadeh is available to respond to them. Dr. Azizzadeh prioritizes patient education, and he wants rhinoplasty patients to come to him with their concerns or questions. If an individual is concerned about the results of rhinoplasty surgery or experiences breathing problems during recovery, this individual should contact Dr. Azizzadeh for immediate support.

The full results of a rhinoplasty surgery usually become transparent within two years of surgery. At this time, an individual can enjoy a functional nose that appears in proportion with the facial features.

Why Should You Choose Dr. Azizzadeh for Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Dr. Azizzadeh is a Harvard-trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon with many years of rhinoplasty surgery experience. He has helped rhinoplasty patients correct defects of the nose that hinder their ability to breathe, as well as ensures his patients can undergo nose surgery to improve their facial appearance. Plus, Dr. Azizzadeh develops a personalized treatment plan for each rhinoplasty patient, and he works closely with the patient to deliver the best-possible nose surgery results.

For individuals who are dealing with cosmetic or breathing problems of the nose, the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery is happy to treat these issues. By meeting with Dr. Azizzadeh, an individual can learn about nose surgery and find out if it can be used to address cosmetic or functional problems. To schedule a rhinoplasty surgery treatment consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh, please contact us online or call us today at 310-657-2203.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person and virtual consultations to people who are considering a cosmetic procedure. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

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