What Breathing Problems Can a Nose Job Fix?

Rhinoplasty for breathing problems and asymmetry is available to individuals of all ages. In fact, nose surgery can be used to treat a wide range of functional issues of the nose that make it difficult to breathe, including:

  1. Swollen or Enlarged Turbinates

The turbinates are small, bony plates located inside the nose. In some instances, allergies irritate the turbinates, which leads to swelling and enlargement. People can also experience turbinate swelling and enlargement due to prolonged use of nasal decongestant sprays.

Ultimately, swollen or enlarged turbinates can hamper a person’s ability to breathe through the nose. They are often treated with a steroid nasal spray that can help reduce swelling. However, if turbinates remain swollen or enlarged for an extended period of time, rhinoplasty surgery is sometimes required.

  1. Middle Vault Narrowing or Collapse

The middle vault refers to the space between the nasal tip and nasal bones. It helps dictate an individual’s nasal profile, along with nasal tip projection and rotation.

Middle vault weakness can lead to narrowing or collapse when a person breathes deeply through the nose. Typically, an individual can wear adhesive strips on the nose that help reduce the risk of middle vault narrowing or collapse. Yet, in instances where adhesive strips are ineffective, rhinoplasty may be necessary to correct narrowing or collapse of the middle vault.

  1. Deviated Septum

The septum divides the left and right nostrils. In the event that an individual experiences a deviated septum, one side of the nose is blocked, which reduces airflow through the nose. A deviated septum can also result in a nasal blockage or congestion.

Oftentimes, a nasal obstruction caused by a deviated septum can be treated with medication that helps open an individual’s nasal passages. But, if medication does not deliver the desired results, a septoplasty can be performed.

Septoplasty is sometimes mistaken for rhinoplasty surgery, but there are notable differences between the two nose procedures. Whereas a septoplasty involves straightening and repositioning of the septum, a rhinoplasty involves reshaping or resizing the nose. In an instance where an individual experiences an injury that leads to a deviated septum and other nose trauma, he or she could require a rhinoplasty.

  1. Nasal Polyp

A nasal polyp is a non-cancerous growth that forms inside the nose. Most nasal polyps are small and do not cause any physical symptoms. But multiple nasal polyps or a large nasal polyp can block an individual’s nasal passages — and can make it tough to breathe through the nose.

Nasal polyps are commonly treated with medications and nasal sprays that help reduce their size. Conversely, with a rhinoplasty, a nasal polyp can be permanently removed from a patient’s nose.

Will a Rhinoplasty Correct All Types of Breathing Problems?

A nose job is one of many treatment options to address breathing problems related to the nose. Although a rhinoplasty is beneficial for many individuals coping with breathing problems, it is not a surefire solution to all breathing issues, at all times. Fortunately, with proper diagnosis of a breathing problem, an individual can explore different treatment options.

To determine the best course of action to cope with a breathing issue, an individual should first consult with a doctor. Initial treatment could include medications or nasal sprays, depending on the issue causing the breathing problem and its severity. Or, in certain instances, surgery can be the best choice to correct a breathing issue.

At the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, Dr. Babak Azizzadeh performs nose jobs designed to help patients enhance their facial appearance and treat functional issues of the nose. Dr. Azizzadeh is world-renowned for his rhinoplasty surgery expertise, and he can help patients identify the root cause of a breathing issue that hinders their ability to breathe through the nose.

Dr. Azizzadeh sometimes recommends a rhinoplasty or septoplasty to help an individual treat a breathing issue. But before Dr. Azizzadeh makes a nose job treatment recommendation, he performs a comprehensive patient evaluation. This enables Dr. Azizzadeh to learn about a patient and determine if this individual is a good candidate for nose surgery.

What to Expect During a Nose Job Treatment Consultation

A nose job treatment consultation is a learning experience for both Dr. Azizzadeh and his patient. At this time, Dr. Azizzadeh asks a patient questions about the nose and any breathing problems. He also reviews a patient’s medical history and examines the nose in relation to the cheeks, chin, eyes, and other facial features.

If Dr. Azizzadeh believes a nose job can be safely performed, he crafts a custom treatment plan. Dr. Azizzadeh outlines all stages of treatment to the patient and provides this individual with details about surgery downtime and recovery. In addition, Dr. Azizzadeh encourages the patient to ask questions and address any surgery concerns or questions. This enables a patient to learn about the rhinoplasty surgery process and make an informed decision regarding treatment.

If a patient pursues rhinoplasty surgery to treat a breathing issue, Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-depth instructions to help this individual prepare for treatment. Dr. Azizzadeh sometimes recommends a patient stop taking certain medications in the days leading up to a nose job procedure. He also provides tips to ensure a patient is prepared for the day of nose surgery.

What to Expect During a Nose Job Procedure

The day of a nose job procedure can be stressful, but Dr. Azizzadeh takes steps to help a patient prepare accordingly. In doing so, Dr. Azizzadeh ensures his patient is well-equipped for rhinoplasty surgery and can streamline the recovery process.

A rhinoplasty surgery usually requires up to three hours to complete, and the length of time necessary for the procedure varies based on the patient. Dr. Azizzadeh uses an open or closed surgical technique for a nose job. With an open rhinoplasty, Dr. Azizzadeh makes an incision inside a patient’s nostrils and across the tissue between the nostrils. And with a closed rhinoplasty, the surgical incision is made exclusively inside the nose.

Deciding between an open and closed rhinoplasty is done before a nose job is completed. Dr. Azizzadeh considers the severity of a patient’s nose issues and other factors to determine if an open or closed nose job is the ideal surgery option. Once Dr. Azizzadeh makes his decision, he develops an appropriate rhinoplasty surgery plan.

What to Expect After a Nose Job Procedure

The recovery after a rhinoplasty surgery often lasts about one to two weeks. During this period, a patient can experience bruising and swelling around the nose and eyes. In nose surgery patients who previously experienced difficulty breathing through the nose, this issue can continue in the initial days and weeks after treatment.

Dr. Azizzadeh tracks a rhinoplasty patient’s progress closely in the first few days after surgery. He requests follow-up appointments at regular intervals throughout the year to ensure a rhinoplasty patient’s progress continues as planned, too.

Within one to two years of a rhinoplasty, the full results of treatment become visible. At this time, a patient can breathe through the nose without difficulty, as well as enjoy a nose that appears in balance with other facial features.

If a patient experiences any breathing difficulties after rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Azizzadeh can help. In this scenario, a patient should notify Dr. Azizzadeh about breathing problems so he can address them right away.

Why Do Patients Choose Dr. Azizzadeh for Nose Surgery?

For individuals who are considering rhinoplasty for breathing problems and asymmetry, Dr. Azizzadeh is a top choice among facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons. Rhinoplasty is complex, and it is crucial to work with an expert surgeon who does everything possible to help patients accomplish their treatment goals. With Dr. Azizzadeh at a patient’s side, this individual can receive extensive assistance to treat a nasal obstruction, correct asymmetry of the nose, and address other nose issues.

Dr. Azizzadeh is Harvard-trained and has dual board certification in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and head and neck surgery, and his unique expertise allows him to provide rhinoplasty patients with unprecedented support. First, Dr. Azizzadeh meets with a patient who is considering rhinoplasty surgery and evaluates this individual’s nose and facial appearance. Dr. Azizzadeh next crafts a treatment plan tailored to his patient, and this plan is designed to help the patient safely treat nose problems. Finally, Dr. Azizzadeh and his patient put a rhinoplasty treatment plan into action, and the results are monitored to ensure the patient fully recovers from surgery.

Schedule a Nose Job Treatment Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh

Dr. Azizzadeh performs rhinoplasty for breathing problems and asymmetry, and he is happy to discuss nose surgery and determine if an individual qualifies for treatment. To learn more about nose surgery or schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh, please contact us online or call us at (310) 657-2203.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person and virtual consultations to people who are considering a cosmetic procedure. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

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