Meghan Markle’s Nose Is in Demand

The world cannot get enough of Meghan Markle, an American actress and the soon-to-be bride of Prince Harry. In fact, some people are trying to use rhinoplasty surgery to reshape the nose so they can replicate Markle’s “royal” facial appearance.

Markle has a straight nasal profile that ends in a small “button” or ball, along with a slight nasal hump on the side of the nose. For those who want to achieve a natural-looking nose like Markle’s, rhinoplasty may be ideal. Rhinoplasty helps patients achieve a nose that matches the facial features perfectly. Plus, nose surgery is one of the world’s most-popular facial plastic surgeries, and it has been shown to deliver long-lasting results for both men and women.

Because she is a beautiful and popular celebrity, it is not surprising that people are wishing to emulate her look. However, this interest in Markle’s nose is especially interesting given the fact that her nose is not traditionally “perfect.” This may indicate a shift in interest toward nose’s that are imperfect and more natural-looking.

Dr. Babak Azizzadeh, a globally renowned facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, has performed nose surgery procedures for celebrities, dignitaries, executives and even other physicians. He understands patients may want to use rhinoplasty surgery to achieve a nose that replicates Markle’s. Yet Dr. Azizzadeh cautions that getting a nose job to match Markle’s or any other celebrity’s nose is unlikely to help an individual achieve the best-possible treatment results.

The goal of rhinoplasty is to help an individual bolster the facial aesthetic, according to Dr. Azizzadeh. Rhinoplasty involves finding the right balance between a patient’s facial features and ensuring the nose complements the eyes, cheeks, chin and other facial features. Because if a patient achieves a nose that brings harmony to the face, he or she may reap the benefits of a rhinoplasty procedure for years to come.

Before a patient receives a rhinoplasty, Dr. Azizzadeh meets with him or her to learn about this individual’s treatment goals. He also performs a comprehensive patient assessment to ensure a patient qualifies for rhinoplasty. Dr. Azizzadeh responds to a patient’s concerns and questions to help this individual make an informed rhinoplasty treatment decision, too.

Additionally, Dr. Azizzadeh uses the Vectra 3D imaging system to help a patient see the final results of rhinoplasty before treatment is administered. Vectra 3D imaging allows Dr. Azizzadeh to capture images of a patient’s nose and alter its appearance on a screen. Then, a patient can view rhinoplasty results and understand how he or she will look following surgery.

A rhinoplasty surgery is a long-term commitment, and the decision to receive a nose job should not be taken lightly. As such, Dr. Azizzadeh dedicates time and resources to educate patients about rhinoplasty surgery, how it works and its benefits.

If a patient decides rhinoplasty is the right choice, Dr. Azizzadeh crafts a personalized treatment plan designed to help this individual achieve a balanced and natural-looking facial appearance. Dr. Azizzadeh understands each patient is unique, and no two rhinoplasty procedures are exactly the same. He strives to help a rhinoplasty patient achieve a nose that matches his or her facial features. By doing so, Dr. Azizzadeh helps each patient achieve a beautiful outcome.

Nose surgery may be ideal for those who want to reshape the nose to improve the overall facial aesthetic, modify the shape of the nose or improve the nasal function. To find out more about rhinoplasty surgery and determine if it is right for you, please contact the CENTER for Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh Today

Dr. Azizzadeh offers in-person and virtual consultations to people who are considering a cosmetic procedure. To find out more, please contact us today at 310-657-2203 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azizzadeh.

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